
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Realidades encendidas -Lit realities- Poema de Elen Lackner

Delineada en aventuras
son mis noches ambrosías
de transparencias Chanel,
lentejuelas como lunas
laceradas en estío;
con breteles de sueños
en veste de lluvia
y sierpe charmer.

Outlined in adventures
my nights are ragweed
of Chanel transparency,
sequins as moons
lacerated in summer;
with dreams strips
in clothe of rain
and serpent charmer.

Como ave de zureos
anido en tu vuelo
con gorjeos de lujurias
entre plumas salvajes
y abalorios de argén.

As bird of cooing
nested in your flight
with chirps of lusts
between wild feathers
and beads of Argent.

Excesos y propuestas,
preguntas en juego;
realidades encendidas,
gemidos en respuestas,
contorneo de una flama
que se aviva ante tu fuego.

Excesses and proposals,
questions in game;
realities lighted on
wailings in replies,
contouring of a flame
that comes alive fore your fire

¡Oh amor! despliega el desatino,
humédeceme los labios
al pecar de tus deseos.

Oh love! displays folly,
wet my lips
to the sin of your desires.

Engárzame la boca,
escúrreme el contorno
al amparo de tu miel;
diluyente, como hoguera
que acelera y se disloca
con su fiesta entre brocados
en los pliegues de mi fronda
como brasas que maceran
los enveros de mi piel.

Crimping the mouth,
drain my contour
under cover your honey;
diluent, such as fire
speeding and dislocated
wity its party with brocade
in the folds of my frond
as embers macerated
the veraison of my skin.

Entre candilejas,te amaré
hoy y siempre, como en trance,
con mis senos orillados
como azahares perfumados
con tus manos por doquier.

Among limelight, I´ll love you
today and always, as in trance,
with my bordered breasts
as fragranced orange blossoms
with your hands everywhere.

Rompe el desenfreno,
suelta el placer de tu llama
deja que el silencio reclame.

Break debauchery,
loose the pleasure of your flame
let the silence claims.

Habítame en tu desorden
con las brechas de tu fuente,
enrédate en mis piernas
con los tramos de tus muslos
y el desliz de mis caderas.

 Inhabit me in your disorder
with the gaps of your source,
get Involved in my legs
with sections of your thighs
and a slip of my hips.

Vierte tu ansiedad en mis instintos,
derrama la esencia del amor
sobre el redil de mis dunas...
regálame algo distinto.

Pour your anxiety in my instincts,
pours the essence of love
on the cote of my dune ...
Give me something different.

Asómbrame mi adalid
bajo el pomar del paraíso
ámame con tu fuerza desmedida,
llévame..., hasta la locura.

Atonish me my warlord
under the orchard of paradise
love me with your unmeasured  force,
Take me ..., to the madness.

Poème de Secret Garden
piano de Elen Lackner

13 comentarios:

  1. Con tu poema logras lacerar el amor con dígitos de ternura y lluvia de inspiración, sale de tu alma tu bellísimo sentir, describes en tu poema una obra maestra en el que en tu corazón ardiente la llama del amor nunca se apaga, sublime exaltación de la pasión con sutileza en tus letras, así describo tu poema, sigue deleitándonos con tus letras.

    Juan Piera

  2. Dear Elen,
    Phew! This is one HOT poem. I agree with everything Juan said. You are one passionate lady! Thanks for sharing.

    I have something for you here...

    If you have time, you're welcome to join me for Blog Hop Saturday! held every first Saturday of the month. Linky closes at 11:59pm EST on Sun Sept 2nd.

    1. Thank you my dear friend. It´s a pleasure to have you as friend. Kiss Elen

  3. Dear Andy friend : Thanks but a great thanks to you. My nice friend. Kiss Elen

  4. Love the way you ended the poem. Love can be such a madness. Very passionate Elen.
    dropping by from Andy's blog hop saturday.

    1. Dear Suzy : Thank you very much for visiting me. I´m proud to have friends as you . Kiss Elen

  5. Hello,

    I am here from Andy's blog hop!

    Love is a beautiful form of madness - so true and beautifully expressed!

  6. Dear Me: Thank you very much for visiting . I´m glad to meet you. Kiss Elen

  7. I love the beauty of this poem. Indeed, it's real madness being in love and the feeling is beyond description. Great work!

    I blog hop from Andy's blog.

  8. Here from Andy's blog hop...raw passionate imagery in your poem...portray the madness of love very well..one hot read :)

    1. Thank you very much dear Nilanjana . I´m glad for your visiting. kisses Elen
