
viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Sun, grass and moon - Sol, gramilla y luna -

                                            Friday, August 24, 2012

Dear friends, is the first time I write in this way, I hope you understand, my English  it isn´t   perfect. You will think,   why I am here, well I give you a simple reason ,   my answer is:   because I feel pleasure to be with you and I love to meet people from all over the world. I found several friends, Andy, Crystal, Belqi and Radwa, and I think I will have many more. Thanks for having me patience, especially Andy that encouraged me to be here.  Elen Lackner


    I dedicate my piano music to Andy and Crystal
Thank you both so much for your joy, the patience you've given me and for your kidness friendship


 419 words

  A call phone, a surprising invitation, that voice in my memory was echo in my soul. Yes... was John who became storm the breeze of the first kiss.
  He asked to see me and my feelings swept. Arrived the day of the meeting, the time gave it steps and broke a love, that which was lost a night without explanation, submerged into oblivion.
Yesterday was a wonderful awakening, a bright morning which prevailed gold, the spray leaves dressed in emerald, and my heart in gallop to the unison of new bells.
   Our appointment was under the same tree, a large cup Cedar growing its new spring.
I was alone in the immensity of the Park until I heard steps approaching, I turned on my heels and ¡Oh my God ! He was again at my fingertips.
   I wanted to run to their arms but I was paralyzed, I tried to think, but my mind was empty. And he came to me, with the time loaded into his back and his hair graying peculiarly his years.
 When we look one at the other, words fell asleep and I only heard the thrust of silence, insisting to pronounce his name, with effort whispered a shy and trembling "Hello", but the voice fell asleep in my throat.
   He continued his step in straight line toward me, his smile came distance and stalled me the same kiss , the sweeter and passioned that I could never forget. I opened my eyes, his gaze of divine light, was as wet as mine, hand in hand, then we sit on old and bulky roots.
   The air fresh and renewed, had new perfume, sighs emerging from a same melody, emotion frozen, and the strength of the hug linking the past, present, and hope. There was no Orchestra, or a radio, but we hear the same fast-paced music.
   We talked about our past loneliness, nostalgia dressed in sadness, questions without answers, messages that evaporated.
   Wrapped the desire, time of a romance without words, which do not need accents or phrases... I felt in his kiss, he felt on my lips. It began a passionate game flowing in a pic- nic without bread neither delicacies.
  Almost without realizing we discovered the Moon hovering between the leaves, the poem of love live, framed in silver. Wise nature that gave us his coat over a green shawl resting on my back. Love live, intoxicating that dind´t know borders, and ran, free leaving carried away by the flow of an almost wild affair.

                                                               Elen Lackner

                                                             Sol, gramillas y luna

   Una llamada, una invitación sorpresiva, esa voz en mi memoria hacía eco en mi alma. Sí... era él Juan el que transformó en tempestad la brisa del primer beso. Pidió verme y mis sentimientos afloraron . Llegó el día del nuevo encuentro, el tiempo dió sus pasos y se abrió paso el amor, aquel que se perdió una noche, sin explicaciones, sumergido en el olvido.
   Fue ayer un maravilloso despertar, una mañanas brillante donde prevalecía el oro, las hojas del rocío vestidas de esmeralda, y mi corazón en galope al unísono de nuevas campanadas.
   Nuestra cita fue debajo del mismo árbol, un cedro de gran copa, creciendo su nueva primavera. Estaba sola en la inmensidad del parque, hasta que escuché pasos acercándose, giré sobre mis talones y¡Oh Dios! era él otra vez al alcance de mis manos, quise correr a sus brazos pero estaba paralizada, traté de pensar pero mi mente estaba vacía. Y llegó a mí, con el tiempo cargado en su espalda y su cabello entrecano sombreando sus años, cuando nos miramos las palabras se durmieron y solo escuché el empuje del silencio, insistiendo para pronunciar su nombre, con esfuerzo susurré un " Hola " tímido y tembloroso, pero la voz se durmió en mi garganta. El continuó su paso en linea recta hacia mi, su sonrisa acercó distancia y me paralizó el mismo beso el más dulce y apasionado que jamás pude olvidar. Abrí los ojos, su mirada de luz divina, estaba tan húmeda como la mía, tomados de la mano, luego nos sentamos sobre las raíces añosas y abultadas.
  El aire fresco y renovado, tenía perfume a nuevo, los suspiros emergiendo de una misma melodía, la  emoción embargando, y la fuerza del abrazo uniendo el pasado, el presente y la esperanza. No había orquesta, ni una radio, pero los dos escuchamos la misma música de ritmo acelerado, Hablamos de nuestra pasada soledad, la nostalgia vestida de tristeza, de las preguntas sin respuestas, de los mensajes que se evaporaron.
   Se envolvió el deseo, el tiempo de un romance sin palabras, el mismo que no necesita acentos ni frases.. lo sentí en su beso lo sintió en mis labios. Comenzó un apasionado juego fluyendo, en un pic nic sin pan ni manjares.
  Casi sin darnos cuenta descubrimos la luna asomando entre las hojas, el poema de amor en vivo, enmarcado de plata. Sabia naturaleza que nos brindó su abrigo sobre un verde rebozo apoyado en mi espalda. el amor en vivo, embriagador que no supo de fronteras y corrió libre dejándose llevar por el caudal de un idilio casi salvaje.

                                                             Elen Lackner
La música se la dedico a mis amigos Andy and  Crystal,   

20 comentarios:

  1. So much passion and elegance.. and please know, there is no need to apologize for your english.. your words are very beautiful all the same to me.. sometimes, we strive to hard to be perfect but there is so much beauty in imperfection.. That is what makes some more beautiful than others.. ;) I'm really glad you entered the challenge for this week and I encourage you to keep sharing your stories! They're very beautiful.

    1. Dear Crystal: You´re so sweet with me. I appreciate your kidness and happiness . Thank you very much . Kiss Elen

  2. oh my that was so sensual. Beautifully written.

    1. Suzy: Using my poor English I want to say you my thank you very much for your words and your visiting. kiss Elen

  3. That's so romantic! I love the story. :)

    1. Dear Balqis : I´m happy about your visiting, what you think about my story and for your kidness. Thank you very much, kiss, Elen

  4. Elen, cada vez tus letras son mas cálidas, llenas de ilusiones, realidades y esperanzas, eres una mujer envidiable de artesanal sentido, de gran talento y muy agradecida a la vida, cuando te toca ver y apreciar eres magnánima, la caricia y el beso son los que pintan tu voluntad y tu propio destino, gracias por tus bellas letras.

    Juan Piera

  5. Querido Juancito . tus palabras son hermosas y me llegan muy profundo y alli se quedan. Muchas gracias por tu visita y por todo lo que piensas de mi. besos..Elen

  6. Dear Elen,
    This seems to be a story about two people who see each other again after a separation of many years. There is a lot of expectation and emotion before and then when they finally meet. I like the fact that your characters can experience romantic love when they are older. Love is for all ages.

    It is probably a good thing that you include the original Spanish text, if you don't feel 100% comfortable writing in English. Spanish is a BIG language even if I don't know it, I am sorry to say. I have tried posting in two languages too, English and Swedish, but for other memes, not for RFW. Your English is ok, but if you want to send a story in to short story contest, I would suggest that you have someone look at your spelling and grammar. I am saying this because I know how easy it is to mix languages. You have good ideas, and your images are powerful; so it will help your story if the wording is correct. Having said this, I want to bite myself in the tongue and tell you how courageous you are for daring to write a story in English. Forget about what I said and write with your heart! Then let your text rest a day or so and look at it again or ask someone who is good at English to check your spelling etc., but not to change your story.

    Is this your first time posting for RFW? Welcome!
    Best wishes,
    RFW No.43 - 'Romantic Picnic'

    1. Dear Ann: Thank you very much for your honesty to advice me what I have to do. Kiss Elen

  7. Hi Elen
    Your story is sweet and captures the romance of an older couple. How challenging to write it in English. I sure couldn't write in any other language. I love music too. The heroine in my epic fantasy is a flutist and saves the day with her music.

    1. Dear Nancy You´re so sweet with your comentary. It´s very rewarding to meet friend as you are. Thank you very much. Kiss Elen

  8. My dear Elen,
    How PROUD I am of you. You have a brave and beautiful heart my friend. I enjoyed your post and hope you will continue to thrill us with your romantic writings and music videos. I am honored to call you my friend. Keep your head up high and display your lovely smile.

    1. Dear friend. I´m really emotioned, you give me the strength no to be ashamed to write in my English very far from perfect. Thank you dear Andy. You´re so sweet with your words. Kiss Elen

  9. Very poetic and passionate. I wish I could read you in Spanish. No words for the music, just speechless.

    1. Dear Nilanja : Thank you very much for visiting me. It´s a pleasure to meet you. I will ask for helpping with my English . I have hard head if I want to do something, I never live an almost impossible. Kiss Elen

  10. Elen, thanks for emailing me your piece so that I can read it. Yes lime green writing on a red background is migraine inducing I’m afraid.
    I feel the romance very well and am impressed with your English.

    I did notice the repetition of the word ‘felt’ in your sentence: ‘I felt his kiss he felt on my lips’. Maybe you meant to write ‘left on my lips’? (I do that kind of mistake all the time myself) Great entry.

  11. Lovely sentiment, Elen.

    I felt the emotion... nicely done.

  12. I can tell you're a poet. You paint some beautiful pictures with words.
